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The railway machine MDS console


     Console has been designed according to the task by OAO "TSKB pout'mash" for railway machine MDS.
     Ergonomic and geometric console features have been agreed with specialists VNIIZHT. Consoles are manufactured and delivered to Sverdlovsky PRMZ OAO "PRHD"
     By design console consists of two parts (consoles):
  • the right part - working seat (operator's console);
  • the left part - working seat (console) of operator.
     The design of the given console can be adapted for concrete cabin of ralway machine with retaining main ergonomic and geometric features. According to the task set by OAO "TSKB poutmash" it was done for service-load automotrissa ASG-30 Sverdlovsky PRMZ OAO "RZHD".

MF OOO "ALTERNATIVE" 249710 Lomonosov st. 19à, Sosensky town ,
Kozels'kiy r-n, Kaluzhskaya obl.
Phone: (48442)4-14-47,
Fax: (48442)4-14-47